Music Reviews
Christopher Linman

Christopher Linman

This Is Me

Singer Christopher Linman recently brought a new album to life, This Is Me, and it’s a wonderful piece from beginning to end.

As the title of this lovingly crafted studio LP might suggest, this work is actually a perfect introduction to the sound and feel of Linman’s music. It dives deeper into his love for jazz, and into his ability to offer some exciting and insightful vocal performances. The beauty of this album, in terms of style and attitude, is that the songs are incredibly easy to relate to. They offer a substantial degree of ambiance, tipping the hat off to the best artists in the genre, but also exploring the classic sounds of jazz under the artist’s own scope and mindset. Linman has a highly distinctive voice, which is indeed one the album’s most engaging “selling points.” He can sound up-close and personal, but also fiercely imposing, soaring over the music with his higher notes, while never sounding too harsh or overpowering. As they say, balance is key, and this is definitely a perfect way to describe this record.

The songs are also well-produced, giving the listeners a more spontaneous feel, which highlights the natural dynamics of Linman’s gorgeously soulful voice. The sound of the instrumentals is tasteful and classy, definitely leaving enough room for the vocals to breathe and unfold gently. This Is Me is a powerful calling card for Linman, who wants to take the opportunity and give his absolute best to every single track featured on this album. From start to finish, there is a consistent mood which enhances the flow of the music, track after track.

If you like jazz with a particular regard for the classics of the genre, you will enjoy Linman’s work and his own take on this timeless music, which has inspired and keeps inspiring many generations of musicians and music lovers looking for tunes that give a fuller range of expression and creativity without the limitations of other genres.

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